48: 4x04 "In Sickness and in Hell"

The laughter is contagious this week on XENA: WARRIOR PODCAST! Vera, Katie, and Livy suffer through the gross-out extravaganza, 4x04 “In Sickness and in Hell.” We discuss the transgressiveness of writing poop jokes about ladies, this episode’s undercutting of Xena and Gabrielle’s heroism, the progression of Xena’s crazy hair, Gabs’s scene-stealing contortions, and why you should never ever travel back in time. Plus: foot rot, talking lice, peeling skin, the runs, numb tongue, peeling skin, goat poo, Nargo, more peeling skin, lord help us so much peeling skin!   

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47: 4x03 "A Family Affair"

This week on XENA: WARRIOR PODCAST, prepare to encounter the scariest thing in the world: a family reunion. Vera, Katie, and Livy are going home for 4x03 “A Family Affair.” Half domestic drama, half gothic horror, this episode has everything, including not one but two Xena/Gabrielle reunions! We discuss the horror films that inspired this ep, the importance of sympathizing with the monster, the many layers of subtext in Xena’s relationship with Gabrielle’s parents, and the Oedipal triangle of Gabrielle, Hope, and lil baby Destroyer. Plus: Gabs’s hospice hair, Xena’s new clip, and pinwheels galore!

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46: 4x02 "Adventures in the Sin Trade, Part 2"

This week on XENA: WARRIOR PODCAST, flip right out of your bodies and join us in the spirit plane! Vera, Katie, and Livy continue their visit with the Northern Amazons in 4x02 “Adventures in the Sin Trade, Part 2.” We discuss the stylistic and tonal shifts that hinder this episode from matching the badassery of “Part 1,” namely the unintentionally hilarious kung-fu face-offs, nonstop dance-chants, and worst of all, SPIDER GABS. But who cares about any of that when the episode contains two minutes of transcendence in the form of Xena’s crucifixion vision! Xena and Gabrielle staring at each other with the eyes that they have!!! How does that make you feel? Gooooooood.

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45: 4x01 "Adventures in the Sin Trade, Part 1"

Descend with us into the Amazon Land of the Dead on this week’s XENA: WARRIOR PODCAST! Vera, Katie, and Livy embark on 4x01 “Adventures in the Sin Trade, Part 1.” Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your vision; that's just the glorious return of director T.J. Scott! In the “Sin Trades” he gets the perfect showcase for his fever-dream aesthetic, as Xena journeys inward, outward, into the past, and eventually, into the future. We discuss this episode’s challenging nonlinear structure, the visuals so dissolve-heavy it's like one 42-minute-long montage, the immersive soundscape that includes the best-ever use of ROC’s patented soft voice™, the debt the Amazon mythology owes to Siberian Shamanism, Hades and the annoying bureaucracy of death, new villain Alti as the Anti-Lao Ma, WTF is up with Anokin, Lucy Lawless’s bone structure, Lucy Lawless’s chanting, Lucy Lawless’s eyes, Lucy Lawless’s cry-faces, Lucy Lawless’s fearlessness, Lucy Lawless’s everything. In conclusion, LUCY LAWLESS!!!1 🙌

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Hermes Mailbag 02 - Callisto: IN SPACE!

This week on XENA: WARRIOR PODCAST, Vera, Katie, and Livy are still processing all the intense emotions from the end of S3, so to let off some steam, we’re having a party podcast where we... open our mail. (We really know how to par-tay!) It’s another installment of our Hermes Mailbag series! And yes, it’s still called that, and, as always, it’s fashionable and full of great Q’s. This time around, topics include: favorite and least favorite S3 moments, who was more to blame for the Rift, Supercorp, serialized storytelling vs. standalones, and Vera’s three pitches for a Callisto TV show!   

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